Window Graffiti in Las Vegas, Nevada (2014)
"Dance" by Hildreth M. Meiere, on the Radio City Music Hall, New York (1932)
Wilhelm Gause, "Court Ball at the Hofburg Palace" (1888)
John Singer Sargent "El Jaleo" (1882)
Willa Mae Ricker and Leon James, by Gjon Mili (1943)
"At the Kelvingrove Gallery" by @Kirstylkelly (2016)
The above image reminds me of Alfred Eisenstaedt's famous 1950 photo:
Bo Jangles and Shirley Temple in The Little Colonel (1935)
"Samba Dancer from Brazil with Passions and Zeal" (photographer unknown)
Pieter Brueghel the Elder, "Peasant Dance" (1569)
Charles Christian Nahl, "The Fandango," 1873 (Click the image for a larger view)
Image from Airborne by Lois Greenfield
A Bolshoi dancer
"The Dance," by Gioacchino Pagliei (1852-1896)