The major collections of Midwinter Exposition material are the Museum of the City of San Francisco which houses the Raymond Clary Collection, the richest single source of written and ephemeral material relating to the Fair; the Special Collections Room of the San Francisco Public Library which holds numerous documents, including a copy of the Taber volume of exposition photographs; and the Special Collections Room of the Henry Madden Library at CaliforniaState University in Fresno. This latter collection is the best single source for materials on all international expositions from 1851 to 1939.
All About the Midwinter Fair. San Francisco: W. B. Bancroft & Co., 1894.
Ansichten von Californien and der California Midwinter International Exposition. [No place or date of publication.]
Athearn, S. and Stone, K. E. Midwinter Fair Cookbook. San Francisco: Press of Mysell and Rollins. [No date of publication.]
Bamford, Mary E. The Denby Children at the Fair. Elgin, Ill.: Cook Publishing Co., 1904. [A story set at the Midwinter Fair.]
Barth, Gunther. "California Midwinter International Exposition," in West Coast Expositions arid Galas, Samuel Stark, ed. San Francisco: The Book Club of California, 1970.
Bates, Elizabeth S. "Some Breadwinners of the Fair," Overland Monthly, XXIII: 33 (April 1894), 374384.
Berkeley Weekly Herald. [Articles on Berkeley's participation in the Midwinter Exposition were published on October 5, November 30 and December 21, 1893 and January 18, 1894.]
Birt, Rodger. "Pictures of an Exposition: Isaiah W. Taber and the San Francisco Midwinter Fair," Humanities Journal (1986), 710.
The Books of the Fairs. Materials about World's Fairs, 18341916 in the Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Introductory Essay by Robert W. Rydell. Chicago & London: American Library Association, 1992, 175176.
Brill, Dick. "Fair was cure for economic doldrums," The Progress (July 2, 1976, 79. [Retrospective on Midwinter Fair.]
California International Exposition Musical Keepsake. Boston: John C. Haynes & Co., 1894.
California Midwinter Exposition Illustrated Series of the Pacific States: The Authentic Pictorial Journal of the Exposition. [A newspaper published for the exposition by the Illustrated Publishing Company between March and July of 1894. It was issued as a bimonthly in March and April and as a monthly from May to July.]
California Midwinter Exposition Hotel Directory. Vol. 1, No. 2, February 3, 1894. San Francisco: F. S. Wilson.
California Midwinter Exposition Illustrated (official souvenir). San Francisco: H. S. Crocker Co., 1894.
California Midwinter International Exposition, San Francisco, January 1st to June 30th, 1894. Portland, Me.: Leighton & Frey Souvenir View Co., 1894.
California Midwinter International Exposition, "Nutshell Guide. " [No publication information. Contains illustrations and descriptions of fair sites.]
Chandler, Arthur. "A Victorian Melodrama: The Poem of the Vine," World's Fair , 1 (Spring, 1983), 1214.
Chandler, Arthur. "San Francisco's Fantastic Fair of 1894," World's Fair VI, #1 (Winter, 1986), 1316.
Chandler, Arthur. "The Towers of San Francisco," World's Fair V, #3 (Summer, 1985), 56.
Clary, Raymond H. The Making of Golden Gate Park: The Early Years: 18651906 San Francisco:
California Living Books, 1980. "Midwinter Fair," 356370.
Das GoetheSchiller Denkmal in San Francisco, California. Erinnerungen an den "Deutschen Tag" der California Midwinter International Exposition, 1894 and das "GoetheSchiller Fest" 1895 and an die `Enthullung des Denkmals"im Golden Gate Park, 1901. San Francisco: 1901.
De Young, Michael H. "Benefits of the Midwinter Exposition," The Californian (March, 1894).
Dickman-Jones Co. California Midwinter International Exposition, 1894. San Francisco: San Francisco Morning Call, 1894.
M. H. de Young Memorial Museum. "Story of Midwinter Exposition," San Francisco: Golden Gate Park Commission Publication, 1921. 1018.
Eames, Ninetta. "The Wild and Woolly at the Fair," Overland Monthly, XXIII: 33 (April 1894), 356370.
Evans, Taliesin. All About the Midwinter Fair, San Francisco, and Interesting Facts Concerning California. 2nd ed. San Francisco: W. B. Bancroft & Co., 1894.
Exposition Catalogue of Santa Clara College. Santa Clara: 1894.
Findling, John E., and Pelle, Kimberly D., eds. Historical Dictionary of World's Fairs and Expositions, 18511988. New York: Greenwood Press, 1990, 135136.
Golden Gate Park News and Official Program (Midwinter Exposition Edition), August 24, 1893.
Graham, C. Official Portfolio of the California Midwinter International Exposition. San Francisco: Winter's Art Litho Company. [No date but surely 1894.]
Graham, C. Water Color Sketches of the White City and Sunset City. Color Views. San Francisco: San Francisco Examiner. [No date but surely 1894.]
Hall, C. F. "The Midwinter Steal," clipping dated May 25, 1894 in the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
Herny, Ed. California Midwinter Fair 1894: A Magic Lantern Slide Lecture by Ed Herny. Privately published by Ed Herny, 1986. [Contains a list of 70 magic lantern slides of the fair.]
“Illustrations,” California Architect and Building News, Vol XIV, No. 9 (September, 1893), 102ff. [Sketches of Second Prize winners for design of main exhibition halls.]
In Remembrance of the Midwinter International Exposition: San Francisco, 1894. A book of illustrative lithographs. San Francisco: Hergert & Frey, 1894.
Information for Intending Exhibitors [at the Midwinter Fair.] San Francisco: 1893.
Los Angeles Times, JanuaryJune, 1894. various issues.
Loy, Daniel Oscar. Poems of the Golden State and Midwinter Exposition. San Francisco, 1894.
Mendocino Beacon, February 3, 1894.
Midwinter Appeal and Journal of ’94. [A newspaper regularly published at the fairgrounds.]
Midwinter Fair and the Golden State. Art Views. San Francisco: H. S. Crocker Co., 1894. [Includes color views.]
Midwinter Fair Daily. [A newspaper published each day at the fair.]
Midwinter Scenes in Golden Gate Park. San Francisco: A. J. McDonald and Sons, 1893.
Monarch Souvenir of Sunset City and Sunset Scenes: Being Views of California's Midwinter Festival and Famous Scenes in the Golden State. San Francisco, 1894.
Official Catalogue: A Reference Book of Exhibitors and Exhibits, Officers and Members. 1st ed. San Francisco: Harvey, Whitcher & Allen, 1894.
Official Catalogue, Department of Fine Arts. John A. Stanton, Chief. San Francisco: Harvey, Whitcher & Allen, 1894.
Official Guide to the California Midwinter Exposition. San Francisco: George Spaulding and Company, 1894.
Official History of the California Midwinter Exposition. San Francisco: Press of H. S. Crocker Company, 1894.
Official Souvenir of the California Midwinter International Exposition. San Francisco: R. A. Irving, 1894.
Phelan, James D. "Is the Midwinter Fair a Benefit?" Overland Monthly XXIII: 33 (April, 1894), 390392.
Reno Evening Gazette, February 19, 1894.
Riverside Daily Press, March 30, 1894.
Sacramento Daily Record-Union. September, 1893June, 1894; various issues.
San Francisco Chronicle, Examiner and Morning Call from December 1893 to July, 1894. [All newspapers printed special fair editions plus many stories. Among the Chronicle articles are: "Scenes at the Fair" (Jan. 1, 1894); “The Fair's First Day" (Jan. 2, 1894); "Turned Out on Time" (Jan. 5, 1894); "Preparing to Open" (Jan. 7, 1894); "The Day has been Set" (Jan. 11, 1894); "Inaugural Congress" (Jan. 26, 1894); "Immense Crowd" July 5, 1894). The exposition congresses were fairly thoroughly summarized in a series of articles running in the Chronicle from April 15 to June 13, 1894.]
Scientific American (April 14, 21, June 16, 23 and July 14, 1894). [These articles deal with the architecture, the landscaping and the scientific and technological exhibits at the fair.]
Sunset City and Sunset Scenes, No. 2, May 14, 1894. San Francisco: T. C. Russel Co., 1894.
United Brotherhood of Labor. "Facts Concerning the Midwinter Fair." San Francisco: Sept. 9, 1894.
U. S. Mail Official Postal Guide. Midwinter Fair Souvenir of the Letter Carriers of San Francisco 1893-1894. Washington, D. C.: Post Office Department, 1894.
The Wasp. "Midwinter Edition," Vol. XXXII, No. 4 (January 27, 1894). [Other articles appeared in The Wasp on March 10 and May 26, 1894.]
Weaver, Phil, Jr. "Going With the Swim," Overland Monthly XXIII: 33 (April 1894), 414420.
Welcome to Our California Midwinter International Exposition. Compliments of the City of Paris. San Francisco: no date.
Welcome to our California Midwinter International Exposition. Souvenir. Oakland: Abrahamson Co., Inc., 1894.
West Coast Expositions and Galas. Number Four in the Series of Keepsakes. San Francisco: The Book Club of California, 1970. [Includes a series of brief articles on Western expositions and celebrations from 1894 to 1915.]
Witteman, Adolph. The California Midwinter International Exposition in Photogravure. New York: A. Wittemann; San Francisco: Joseph A. Hoffman. [No date but surely 1894.]
Internet Resources
Humanities and Matthew Evans Resource Room Collection:
Wikipedia Essay on the Midwinter Fair: